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Cracked Concrete Wall

Who we are

     We are a group of women who volunteer in the Tampa Bay area and participate in various social activities with our city sponsors, to include Gasparilla.  Community service is the cornerstone of our organization, and all members volunteer in various service opportunities.

     We were the first all-female Krewe admitted into the Gasparilla parade lineup.  We were founded in 1992 by fourteen women who were active in various TampaBay organizations, they joined together in the spirit of "Fun, Friendship and Frivolity" - this is now our motto.  These ladies named our Krewe for a real Irish pirate, Grace O'Malley.  From the original fourteen founders, our ranks have now grown to over four hundred ladies.  We endeavor to capture the beauty of Ireland as well as the sea by featuring a seahorse and the various colors of Ireland in our crest.

Why we wear our beautiful Gowns

We wear our gowns as a nod to the significance of a key meeting Grace O’Malley had with Queen Elizabeth.  It was at this meeting that Grace wore her best Elizabethan gown to request her inheritances be returned to her and for her son and brother-in-law be released from prison.


Our Floats

We have 2 floats to hold all our ladies during parades and special events. Our main float is Rockfleet, named after the Castle that helped Grace complete her stronghold on Clew Bay. It is this float where our current O’Malley rides at the top.


Our other float is Grace Queen, named after the pirate queen herself. This float is where the O’Malley elect presides.


Seahorse symbology

Our mascot is a Seahorse, and each O’Malley selects their very own seahorse design to mark their year. The Seahorse is quite a unique creature and is thought to have mystical significance among the Torres Strait Island people. The Torres Strait Islanders believed that the seahorse is a good luck fortune/charm, an attribute of the sea. The seahorse is considered to be a symbol of strength and power. Divers have long viewed the seahorse as a good luck charm too.


The symbolic meaning of Seahorse carries the following significance:


1. Loyalty Seahorses are known for their monogamous mating habits and strong pair bonds, which have made them a symbol of loyalty and commitment.

2. Patience Seahorses are slow-moving creatures and take their time to get where they are going. This has made them a symbol of patience and perseverance.

3. Strength Seahorses have an amazing ability to navigate ocean currents and survive in harsh conditions. This has made them a symbol of strength and resilience.

4. Creativity Seahorses have a unique shape that makes them very recognizable. This has made them a symbol of creativity and uniqueness.

5. Balance Seahorses have a long snout and a curved body, giving them an unusual balance. This has made them a symbol of balance and harmony

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Meaning behind Our Crest

Designed in 1993 by Charter member Debra Jo Radke

  • Clasped Hands - Friendship

  • Heart - Caring & Loving

  • Sun - Enlightenment

  • Horse - Loyalty & Independence  Legend has it Grace sailed on a ship called the White Horse

  • Hibiscus - Our Florida Community

  • Crossbow & Ship - Power on Land and Sea

  • Boar - Bravery

  • Seahorse - Fun & Frivolity

  • The Ship, Crossbows and Wild Boar were borrowed from symbols used by Grace O'Malley herself signifying the O'Malley Clan motto of "Terra Marique Potens - All powerful on land and sea"

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Leadership and executive board

First Name
Last Name
Krewe Email
Cracked Concrete Wall

Ye Loyal Krewe of Grace O'Malley Founders

Ye Loyal Krewe of Grace O'Malley was formed in 1992 when fourteen women, active in the Tampa community, had a vision about forming an all female Krewe as a social organization. Their inspiration being Grace O'Malley, a real female Irish pirate from the 16th century.


Front Row:  Jeanne Rowe, Amy Crane, Teri Willis.


Middle Row: Laura Bruce, Pam Milhan, Trudi Haughey.


Back Row: Nancy Martin, Cheria McNabb, Peggi Crump,Roberta Schofield, Barbara Rigall, Marla King, Mary Dietz and Nan Beytin.

Cracked Concrete Wall

History of Granuaile
(Grace O’Malley)

Born in 1530 in County Mayo, Ireland, Grace O'Malley (also known as Granuaile) distills the essence of an indomitable woman whose galleys ruled the seas of Western Ireland during the times of the Elizabethan conquests. She was raised at Ballynahinch Castle. Even at a young age, Grace knew she wanted to sail the high seas. So, she cut off her long red hair, dressed in boys clothing and stowed away on her father's ship. Because of this persistence, she was allowed to go to sea with her father.
Once their ship was attacked by an English vessel. Although Grace had been instructed to hide below deck, she instead climbed up onto the sail rigging. It was there she noticed an English pirate sneaking up on her father. The brave Granuaile leapt off the rigging onto the pirate’s back, allowing her father to regain control of the ship and defeat the pirates. Her bravery was noted and would become the first of many such heroic events for Grace O’Malley.

(Grace O��’Malley)

At 56 years old, Grace was imprisoned, and her assets taken. During this time, her family was thrown into prison. This prompted Grace to go to London and demand an audience with the Queen. Fluent in Latin, and therefore able to converse with the Queen, Grace explained that her past actions were not rebelliousness but rather acts of self - defense. She explained that her rightful inheritances were denied to her from both husbands, and asked Elizabeth to return them. She also pled the case for her son and brother - in - law to be released from prison. In return, Grace promised to use her strength and leadership to defend the Queen against her enemies by land and sea. The Queen, surprisingly, agreed and released her family and returned her lands and possessions.


Grace was certainly a fearless leader, fierce fighter, and a remarkable woman. In her 70 years she and her family remained resolute in their loyalty to their clan and to Ireland. 


AOG–Angels of Grace


EPIC (Empath Partners in Care) is one of Tampa Bay’s largest nonprofit HIV service and support providers dedicated to helping our community stay healthy and safe by providing care in all aspects of life.  EPIC (Empath Partners in Care) is a member of Empath Health, a nonprofit integrated network of care supporting those challenged by chronic and advanced illness in the Tampa Bay region. 


EPIC’s purpose is to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities, regardless of HIV status, gender or sexual identity, by addressing the social determinants of health. EPIC provides a multitude of services including medical and Intensive case management, Free testing, pharmacy services, counseling, support groups, meals for those who are hungry, (and for some these are their only meals). We also provide financial assistance and assist in placing people in housing.  We have food/personal needs pantries. 

Cracked Concrete Wall

YLKGOM Goodwill Tours

Our Ladies of Grace go out into the community to educate them about the Krewe of Grace O’Malley and share the story of Grace O’Malley.We visit schools, assisted livings and Children’s Cancer Center, hand out beads, tell a story and put a smile on some faces. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is our main event. We are the only krewe that is allowed to be present with our float and pass out pink beads to over 15,000 participants.We are active participants as walkers, passing out beads, encouraging walkers and fundraising for the cause.

In Loving Memory of our Angels of Grace:


Betsy Creed 1993

Aleta Goodson 1997

Sherry Crone 2002

Madeline Raab 2005

Sarah Jordan-Holmes 2006

Nancy Guy 2009

Nan Beytin 2010

Barbara Carter 2010

Angie Brewer 2010

Barbara Rigall 2012

Mary Dietz 2014

Barbara Tatlow 2017

Lynn Townsend 2018

Jeanie Tintle 2018

Kathy Scallon 2024

Ashley Sullivan 2024

YLKGOM Community Service

All members are required to volunteer time to charities in the Tampa Bay area. In 1997, the Aleta Goodson Community Service Award was created and given to a member to outstanding volunteer work for charities in the Tampa Bay area. The name has changed to Angels of Grace to not only honor our volunteers but to honor all of our deceased members as well.


Winners of the AGcsa Award

Janice Long – 1997: Roosevelt Elementary School Special Needs Scouting Program

Joy Jones - 1998: GFWC Tampa Junior Woman's Club & Suncoast Girl Scouts

Sylvia Campbell – 1999: Judea Christian Center

Jeanne Rowe – 2000: Palma Ceia Presbyterian Preschool for Special Needs Children

Lynn Townsend – 2001: Plant High School Rowing Team

Ann Marie Critcher – 2002: Susan B. Komen Foundation

Sally Harris – 2003: Circle C Ranch

Bobbie Schofield – 2004: James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital

Linda Cone – 2005: Camp Boggy Creek

Nancy Laskowitz – 2006: Ophelia Project

Cindy Hodgkins – 2007: Pathfinders Youth Leadership

Betsy Isaac – 2008: Tampa Bay Harvest

Dorrit Morgan – 2009: Cystic Fibrosis

Jeanne Barth - 2010: Morning Star School

Carol Rodriguez - 2011: Autism Speaks

Karen Wells - 2012: My Hope Chest for Breast Reconstruction

Katie Wyatt - 2013: Make a Wish

Melissa Morgan - 2014: Wounded Warriors Foundation

Kimberly Anderson - 2015: Ronald McDonald House

Lisa Semeyn - 2016: Salesian Youth Center

Kimberly Aguilar - 2017: GiGi's Playhouse Tampa

Debbie Rudolph - 2018: Children's Cancer Center

Mary Nicholson - 2019: Tunnel to Towers Foundation

Kitty Bonczyk - 2020/2021: Habitat for Humanity

Anna Orr - 2022: End 68 Hours of Hunger

Loni Brissenden - 2023: GiGi's Playhouse Tampa


Supported Charities

Following are a few of the charities that are or have been beneficiaries of the time, talents and skills of members of Ye Loyal Krewe of Grace O'Malley:

Accent on Dance All Children's Hospital Alzheimer's Foundation American Association of University Professors American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association American Victory Ship Angels Unaware Angel Network Artists Unlimited Arts Council of Hillsborough County ASAP Associated Marine Institute Athena Society Bay Area Legal Services Better Business Bureau Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bits & Pieces Puppet Theater Bouvier Dog Rescue Boys and Girls Club Business and Professional Women Brandon Women's Club Breast Cancer Walk Camp Boggy Creek Camp Florida Rotary Carrollwood Service League Carrollwood Village Swim Team Chamberlain Adult Community Band Champions Fund Child Abuse Council Children's Cancer Center Children's Heart Foundation Children's Miracle Network Chiselers Chiseler's Thieves Market Clearwater Free Clinic Community Food Pantry Community Theater Creative TampaBay Crime Watch Crises Center Cultural District Taskforce Cultural Executives Council Cystic Fibrosis Association Daughters of the American Revolution Davis Islands Garden Club Dress for Success Easter Seals Empty Bowls End 68 Hours of Hunger Family Resources Festival of Trees First Night Tampa Bay Foundation for Family Literacy Florida Center for Contemporary Art Florida Council on Aging Florida Education Fund Florida Leaders' Council Florida Orchestra Florida State Fair Friends of Westgate Regional Library Gateway Chamber of Commerce General Federation of Women's Clubs Gigi's Playhouse Girl Scouts G. I. R. L. S. Golf View Garden Club Governor's Task Force for Minority Business Certification Green Fest Guardian Ad Litem Gulf Coast Odyssey of the Mind Gulf Ridge Cub Scout Council Habitat for Humanity Hands on Tampa Heartwalk Helping Hands Hillsborough Community College Hillsborough County Bar Association Law Day Hillsborough County Bar Association Auxiliary Hillsborough County Public Library Board Hillsborough County Recycling Taskforce Hillsborough County Schools Readiness Coalition Hillsborough County Schools Hillsborough Tomorrow Humane Society of Hillsborough County International Rett Syndrome James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital Joshua House Judeo-Christian Health Clinic Junior Achievement Junior Diabetes Walk Junior League Kidney Foundation

Las Damas de Arte Leadership Arts, Tampa Leadership Florida Leadership Tampa League of Mercy Leukemia & Lymphoma Assoc. LifePath Hospice Life’s Treasures Thrift Store Little League Lowry Park Zoo MacDonald Training Center Manatee Civic Association March of Dimes Masque Community Theatre Mayor's Beautification Program Meals on Wheels Medina Scholarship Fund Memorial Hospital Mercy House Metropolitan Ministries Mission Club Moffitt Cancer Center Morning Star School National Council for Community And Justice Neighborhood Beautification Northside Mental Health Auxiliary Ophelia Project Paint your Heart Out Palma Ceia Presbyterian Pre-School for Children with Special Needs Pan American Women's Club Patel Foundation for Global Understanding Pilgrimage Institute for Integrative Healing Pinellas County University Plant High School Crew Plant Museum Poodle Rescue Project Return Red Cross Ronald McDonald House Rose Circle Rotary Club of Tampa Salesian Center Salvation Army Sertoma SERVE S.H.A.R.E. Shriner's Hospital Southwest Florida Blood Bank SPCA Special Olympics Special Olympics Golf Tournament Spinal Muscular Atropy Association St. Joseph's Hospital St. Jude's Susan B. Komen Foundation Sweetwater Community Organic Garden Sword of Hope Society Tampa AIDS Network Tampa Bay Harvest Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Tampa City Council Tampa Foster Angel Program Tampa Chamber of Commerce Tampa Children's Home Tampa General Hospital Tampa Junior Women's Club Tampa Marine Institute Tampa Museum of Art Tampa Police Athletic League Tampa Theater Tampa Women's Club Temple Terrace Junior Women's Club The Crisis Center The Education Channel The Heart Ball The Spring Tiger Bay Club Toys for Tots Transplant Olympics United Way United Way Day of Caring University Community Hospital University of South Florida Alumni Assoc. University of South Florida College of Fine Arts University of South Florida Theater University of South Florida Women's Club University of Tampa Ups with Downs Vitally Interested Volunteers of the Orchestra Wade Boggs Foundation Wish for a Child Ybor City Chamber of Commerce YMCA Young Life Zoofari

© 2024 by Ye Loyal Krewe of Grace O'Malley. Powered by

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